
The Heart of ROGER's work is in assisting people to move into the fullness of their light by clearing the emotional and energetic debris blocking their way to Harmony.

ROGER is a master practitioner and teacher of Sound Frequency modalities; incorporating them in all aspects of his life and work.

He studied voice and musical technique at the New England Conservatory of Music and at New York University, and has taught both voice and modern musical instruments for over 15 years.

ROGER is an ACE certified personal trainer with 18 years experience specializing in injury rehab.

He is also a certified master practitioner and teacher of IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) and Advanced Pendulum Work, and a certified practitioner of Magnified Healing, and Matrix Energetics.

ROGER is a legally ordained minister and Assistant Pastor of the Sanctuary of the Beloved Church of New York, an incorporated, non-denominational church.


"I desire one thing; that you remember your spark,
which is huge and magnificent. Celebrate it!
I believe our gift to the world is what gives us our
greatest joy, and the sharing of this joyful gift is our
contribution, the reason we've come --
to travel into Love."

I am grateful,