This work is given to me by Spirit combining the techniques of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools and The Teachings and Guidance of The ArchAngels, with Spirit.

“Oh, Let me be in possession of Something…

that someone else might need,

and… Let Me Be There to give it.”

LEVEL I - Basic / Fundamentals, Basic Level Self Attunement, and Self Practice (doing it on self).

LEVEL II - Intermediate / Simple Review of Fundamentals, Intermediate Level Self Attunement, The 3 Levels of engagement and their distinct frequencies that they each hold, Dialoguing with Life From Our Light & Setting Your Vibration for the Day! And we finish with the grounding Intensive (the essentials / fundamentals of grounding and then actually doing it using a simple 3 part grounding process). Doing is learning.

LEVEL III - Advanced / Here we build on levels I & II (simple review), Advanced Level Self Attunement, and then we add on to that some really juicy and powerful stuff! We embark on bringing in, connecting and working with The Earth & Our Guardian Angel, Our Guide and and Guide, as well as our group which is vast -The All that walk with us, loving and supporting us. And as a conglomerate, together with your group and your Angels, you will learn and do a process of what is called “Running The Circuits,” and using an ELEVATION PROCESS that was used in the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools, we will elevate - move up in vibration You Select. And yes they did breath work back then!

LEVEL IV - EMERGENCE! A simple review of All levels I, II, & III, The Divine Director Self Attunement (you invite and you become), and then we build out from there! This is where we work from the fullness of what we are and with the accompany of heaven, specifically The Angelic Realm, clearing and aligning our physical and npn - physical anatomies. We leave behind what we are not, and move into what we Are, mOre and mOre, - Emergence!

No matter what level, this is Energy Work at its Best! We can do anything! And you Can do this work, and any and all levels, these simple processes, on your own for yourself (self healing), on another person, or have a group and take them through a Breath Alchemy Session / class, or even… A STADIUM!

I call it - Walking Each Other Home! And that is why we are here, to walk each other hOme.

All levels / classes TBA

As well as my once a month session / class - (where people come to do and experience breath alchemy - elevate their vibration and body - simply!)

If interested in attending a Breath Alchemy class or in learning any of the levels, please send me an email by going to my contact us page.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your interest .