Welcome to my events page. A temporary change is in the works with the circumstances we are living. While this state of things lasts, I ask each of us to be Wise, to be lOving, and to be STRONG!
This is what i have decided to do:
After giving it considerable thought, I think it is in the best interest of all that come to the sound healing meditations to postpone them and all upcoming group events and workshops.
This is not something that comes easy for me since I have never cancelled a single meditation in the last 14 plus years, but since the focus of my practice is care, it is in caring for all who come, that I have decided to put all public group events on hold.
I am looking to start sound healing meditations online through Zoom or some other service sometime very soon. I will keep you all posted through this page.
Information on how to join the sound healing meditations online will be posted on this page as well.
I am still offering one-on-one personal sessions over the phone and through Zoom, offering care and support no matter where you are.
Know that your Light will always guide you best.
Let us Be the Great humanity we are, Care for each other, and be responsible by caring for ourselves.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Big Crunch Hug of jOy to each of you, for to know you is to know jOy!
Remember: When we inhabit lOve, the world changes.
Get to it!!!