Esoteric Healing
What is Esoteric Healing?
Through years of observation and study of many different disciplines, the members of the International Network of Esoteric Healing have developed a Science of Healing in the Energy Field (or Esoteric Healing). This has proven to be a very effective method of treatment. In a healthy person, the energy field is evenly balanced and harmonious, but where there is dis-ease, imbalance and disharmony can be felt. Healing practitioners learn to sensitize their hands and inner perception to examine the energy field in detail in order to find alterations in the flow of the energy field. The practitioner does not touch the individual, but works away from the body.
Matrix Energetics
What is Matrix Energetics®?
Matrix Energetics® is not a "thing" to be defined - it is, instead, a pathway to transformation. This transformation takes place by communicating at the quantum level with the wave fronts (energy and information) that create all of reality. The tools are simply a language used to access this pathway and map the transformation that occurs. The application of this method of transformation is only limited by our imagination. What are you doing when you "do" Matrix Energetics®? You are creating and transforming reality at the quantum level and observing the macro effects of that change.
This new paradigm gives you instant access to new states of awareness which make it possible to interact with the material world and transform it - to affect change connected to past traumas, injuries and emotional patterns. Matrix Energetics® shows us how we can consciously choose to observe in a different way. As a natural extension of changing your way of perceiving, your old reality collapses and new possibilities materialize instantly. Physical and emotional conditions can be resolved with the speed of thought. People affect verifiable, observable changes instantly. Often you will see and feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics® is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation. What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical field matrix is rearranging itself.
Utilizing Matrix Energetics® enables one to engage a state, or way of being, that creates miraculous changes that can be actualized every time. It frees us from the non-miraculous, static belief systems that have dominated our daily lives. People will be able to perform and utilize this work to affect change-with no waiting and no running of energy. YOU affect your physical surroundings in a powerful, permanent, new way.
There are no barriers to the expression of this energy and there are no limitations for it. The limitations are in our own minds and with practice you transcend those limitations. It is like learning a new language or acquiring a new skill in a sport.
Like many things that are founded on feelings and sensations, it is generally much easier to experience Matrix Energetics® than to try to understand it. It is human nature for us to make assumptions about new experiences by comparing them to encounters with information or activities that seem in some way similar to us. Traditionally we build new skills by making adaptations from previous actions and thoughts. Let's not make this mistake: Matrix Energetics® is an entirely new paradigm.
Point of Impact and Our Energy Anatomy
This is a very important class for everyone to take. We know so little about our energetic anatomy, about how it operates, what it connects us to, and how it all comes together to make the greatest impact in our lives, our health, and all of what we call reality. Put in simple terms, how to live from our light or all that we are, from our Grace.
This workshop/workout brings all this information to the table in a simple, comprehensive, practical manner and leads us in actively and consciously existing from the strongest aspects of our being.
I call it: Setting a new course of direction!!!
At the gym, I help people exercise their bodies and increase the strength and vitality of their muscles. Through these montly workshops, we will aim to increase the strength and vitality of our energy anatomy muscles and use them to change the direction of our lives in order to exist at a higher vibrational local. Life is a gift, it should feel like one!
If we think about our energy anatomy, it is the place from which all that is set in motion originates. This is where your muscles of creation lie and what I consider the true laboratory where all things we experience are made.
This energy workout places you smack in the middle of this "laboratory" and will focus on:
Developing a simple energy workout routine, SPIRITUAL PRACTICE, for connecting to the Sacred.
Building and strengthening our light-bodies (running the energies and building our field in, at, and from a higher vibration).
Cultivate alignment with the heart center - our point of impact - and use it as an interface to affect "the field."
Change, clear, and clean out what no longer serves us, constructs, beliefs, and programs we put in motion in the past that we no longer wish to experience nor create from.
Make a selection of a higher vibrational location and create from a place of non-selection.
I call this process "surrendering to Source" ("Thy Will Be Done"). This is what many refer to as "The Field of Miracles" because it is at this level, this vibrational local, that what we thought wasn't possible -- Is. At this higher level, what we put in motion from a lower vibration cannot exist and a new experience comes forth as our new reality.
We will build out from that which matters most -- our inner world. Our outer reality is a reflection of the thoughts and feelings we hold and animate in consciousness. Change those and you change everything!