Welcome to SACRED TONING - a workshop devoted entirely to Toning with the Voice, and co-creating sound from and through the Heart. This is why the voice is the most powerful healing tool vibrationally.
This is also a great class for singers who want to open up and learn to let loose their gift of singing, and for beginners who dream of singing and either fear or someone or something has told them they can not. Hogwash! To make a jOyfull sound is your birth right!
Come with a desire to experience jOy. You will learn techniques in allowing it to move through you and out of you to all of us here.
Please bring a verse or two of "silent night" or "amazing grace" or some other simple song to use in an exercise, preferably somewhat well known.
Also, come with an idea of what you want to do in the field of sound ---where all is fair and jOy is our guide, teacher, and sole/soul direction!
This workshop will cover:
- You will learn to Ground.
- What Toning is.
- The different kinds of Toning.
- What Toning can do.
- Touch briefly on the importance of Harmony and Dissonance.
- Most Importantly, you'll learn that Being in the Heart is King! This is the place from where true nobility comes. All that comes through you as a sound healer/sound frequency worker stems from this place. And as a singer, you can do anything rooted in Truth!
- You'll learn to connect and Listen to Source from the Heart, and then Tone. In other words, you will hear what is being offered by Source, then Tone what you hear.
- You will learn about and explore the Tonal Body using the voice, and how simple it is to change direction tonally in a song, discovering and experiencing your gift!
- Seed sounds - what they are and how they affect and align our chakras (the power of sound)
- A very brief introduction to choosing a quartz crystal bowl, places to purchase them, and how to take care of your bowl.
- Again-Grounding and why it is so hugely important.
Please keep in mind that you will be making sound as a group and individually. I must be able to hear you in order to assist you. This is not a class to get you to make sound.
Come having given yourself the permission to make sound and for that sound to happen and to come out here in the world. This is not done by force but only through Love and Kindness.
Toning… Is all about the Heart leading you, leading you OHM / HOME.